Monday, June 11, 2007

I Stalk the Elusive Bobwhite But in the End It Comes to Me

I went out Saturday afternoon to track the elusive bobwhite, who once again was calling in the distance, but to no avail. It did not help that my trusty sidekick Fritz who follows on all walks is a cat. As soon as I hit the trail, the bird shut up, and though we had a very enjoyable hot and lazy walk, the only sightings were a few tail-ends (not bobwhites, though) getting the heck away from us as quickly as they could.

To my surprise, this morning I looked out the bathroom window to see this plump round bird in the tree just beyond the birdfeeders! It kindly waited there while I ran for the camera. No "bob-WHITE!" cries at all, but it stayed in the tree for a brief photo shoot, then flew to the ground to have some sunflower seeds. I am thrilled to have seen him (though I will be more thrilled when I have a chance to photograph it other than through a rather smeary window).

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