Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Evening

I arrived home before dark tonight! Barely, but it counts; Monday and Tuesday nights I didn't get here until after 10, so this was a refreshing change. However, I am so zonked that all I've had energy to do is bring the shopping in, change clothes, get the camera, wander around with the camera, check on the Woodlets, wander around with the camera some more, and finally take some sunset photos because I'd lost the light for everything else and besides there was nothing else around, for once, to snap. Not that the sky was not spectacular—au contraire, mon frere, au contraire!

Strange thoughts flicker like ghosts through my weary, fevered brain. Has it really been 3 weeks since I first heard the Woodlets? Is there really noise issuing from the tree, or is it a trick of the wind and the ear? Are they, perhaps, special-needs babies who will never leave the tree because they were, oh, born without wings, and so must live in darkness all their lives, with Woodie and Woodina spending all their time every day for all eternity feeding them? Only the Shadow knows....

That's Shovel Mountain in the distance there, by the way. A distinctive and handsome landmark, I have always thought.

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