Saturday, November 29, 2008

Brown Dove Down!

As I was making the previous post, there was a sudden loud THUD from the bathroom, a sound that we know well here—it is the sound of a bird hitting glass. All of our dogs and cats were in. When I went out to see what had happened, and if we should keep the animals in while a bird recovered from its blow, there were feathers floating around in the air, which boded ill. I rounded the corner to the birdfeeders and saw two birds on the ground. They seemed about the same size and I thought both were doves until one flew off and I realized it was a hawk or something similar (not so good on the birds of prey identification yet).

I went back inside and watched the little dove through the bathroom window; it seemed dead. The hawk came back and started in on the dove, when suddenly both birds rose up and went over the top of the house. I'm not sure if the hawk started carrying the dove and it got away, or if the dove flew away and the hawk chased it. I found them under the pine tree out front. When I came outside the hawk flew to a chair on the patio behind the pine, which is the first photo; the second is the hawk obscured by a lot of grass (and bad photographing) outside the bathroom window.

The hawk then flew away altogether. I came back inside and later saw activity out of the corner of my eye. When I went out, the dove was gone. Did it leave under its own steam or was it carried away by the hawk?

Redbird: I Made This

Think I'll have to wait for a sunny day before I can get a non-glarey photo of it, though.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Friday Evening Coming Home

At the corner of 6th and Lamar, headed west, looking southwest.
I love grackles.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Trash Only

This garbage can is by the parking lot at my office. I will not rest until I can figure out what, exactly, has been put in this receptacle other than trash for it to become necessary that it be so labeled. Dead bodies? Bags of money? What?? What can it be?!? It is
driving me mad!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

More of the Morning

This is the view that actually enticed me out the front door with my camera yesterday morning: these layers of fog and cloud and sky.

Here, the clouds on the horizon are like a frothy ocean!

Looking toward the rising sun

The fog rolling in more thickly

The rainbow. This is one of the earlier photos; it grew into the brilliant, full-sky-spanning double rainbow in the next 15 minutes or so.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

There's Gold in Them Thar Hills

Unbelievably amazing, gorgeous sky, fog, rainbows this morning!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Insect at the Kitchen Sink

This lovely insect's back body was above its wings, which you can't really see in these photos but is different than most bugs seem to be. As it perched by the kitchen faucet, it was doing a strange and crazy little dance with its two frontmost legs, sort of twitching just the tips of them back and forth, back and forth, but with no apparent rhythm or reason (though to another bug it might have been obvious).

It reminds me of the Other Tiny Pollinator of the Tiny Flowers because of the long, thin, bulbous-at-the-end body, but clearly they are not the same.

Dog Love

(And Dog Elbows)

The girl dogs: Jessie and Callie

Death in an Egg Cup

I spied the wings peeping out from where this egg cup sits on the kitchen shelf. Who is in there?

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Oh Loretta

Loretta is 15-1/2 years old. Last Saturday night she suddenly started walking very oddly—she doesn't have much control in the back area. After a couple of visits to the vet and diagnostic clinic, and a cat CAT scan, they think that she has a blood clot in her spinal cord. There is not really anything that can be done besides keeping her comfortable and pain-free. It might get better, it might stay the same, it might get worse.

She is shaved under her chin on her neck where they drew blood and her arm is shaved where she had an IV inserted.

You don't realize how skinny their little limbs are until you see them shaven (or wet, as Hugh pointed out). Oh Loretta! How I love you!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I Heart My Country

Most of the time, anyway...and this week is one of those times!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Return of Moth

Moth: All hail to the Moth!

Rabbit: Guys, thank you for looking away while this moth sits on my head.
Little Lamb: No problem, Rabbit.
Goat: We know you'd do the same for us.