Friday, May 29, 2009

Innocent Bystander: Not a Brown Recluse

When I saw this teeny spider through the lens, and it was fairly dark as seen in the photo below, I was certain it was a brown recluse; but the photos show that it's definitely NOT a recluse. Yay! Touch wood. Last year was a heavy recluse year here at the cabin, and we'd like not to repeat that. Come on, scorpions!


Anonymous said...

What kind of spider is it. Found two small spiders like this today and they look just like it.

Kaila said...

I don't know what kind it is but assure you that it's not one of the big 3 venomous spiders in the US: brown recluses, black widows, and hobo spiders. This one seems to be just a harmless little house spider.