Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Brown Recluses 2008: Nos. 6 & 7 (!)

These photos are of 2008 Brown Recluse #7, found last night in the bathroom on the floor behind the trash can. He did not want to be seen or found or bothered (as they are reclusive, you know). He was released this morning behind our well house. The photo above is the best I've taken of their eyes, I think! And you can see the handsome pedipalps. Pedipalps are enlarged in a male, but if you don't know what size unenlarged pedipalps are, it doesn't help much with male/female identification.

I am sorry to say that 2008 Brown Recluse #6 was inadvertently killed while I was scooping him into the catch-and-release container. I had noticed Loretta Cat watching something behind her sleeping area; I went to see what she was looking at and found a recluse stalking a june bug. I am sorry that it was killed; it was not my intent. I saved its body and took some pictures but they are not very nice or interesting to look at after all, so I shan't post them.

So after catching him/her/#7 last night, I dreamed that I was bitten on the armpit from rolling over on a brown recluse during the night. It does seem to have been only a dream, for which I am glad.

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