These webs are a continuation from the day of the Kingdom of Spiders. I have never before seen webs like this. They were square, or at least rectangular, and there were no interstitial strands, only the strands radiating from the center. (I hope that interstitial is indeed the correct word to use there. If someone has a better one, feel free to let me know.)
A person close to me, in fact a person actually related to me, asked me if I was absolutely certain about that, implying that maybe I just couldn't see them or something like that, and I insisted vehemently that no, there were only the radiating strands and that was it, as can be seen in these photos. *Ahem.*
There were two of these webs, quite close to one another, and the spiders (as you can see in the middle of each web) were very tiny. One of them had larger gaps between strands than the other. Most curious, most curious. I have not seen any spider webs around the shower since that day.
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