Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Dragonflies Taunt Me

The air is just swarming with dragonflies. I went out to empty the compost bucket and on the way back spied this guy actually sitting around, which is a rarity. I got him twice as well as the one below, but most of them come and fly around and around and around and around and around and around and around right in front of you and never, ever alight on anything. It's maddening. And it also makes you quite dizzy after a while, if you follow them with your eyes while you are waiting for them to maybe, just maybe, sit down for just one second.

There are some giant ones out there. Two of the ones flying around and around were huge and electric blue; another pair of giants were hooked up and, flying together, were the size of a small bird. I kid you not.

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