Thursday, June 29, 2006

Scorpion #5, 2006; and The Crazy Mantis

Scorpion #5, June 29, 8pm or so:
Inside the front door, sort of tucked between the door trim and the wall. Another one that sort of made me sad; he was just sitting there. He was trying to hide. Hugh tries hard to convince me that its mere presence in our house is not acceptable...but that argument doesn't entirely negate my feelings of remorse.

The Crazy Mantis:
Wednesday night, out back watering, I spotted a little green mantis on the rock near Rosa Winchester Cathedral (a potted rose). It was just going around and around in circles! We decided it must be newly b0rn. It was very green, very short, and very plump. When Hamilton moved into the area to drink some of the water overflowing from the rose pot, I moved the little mantis into a protected area. I took photos but they didn't come out very well, as it was dusk.

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