Saturday, June 24, 2006

Mr Fritz's Summer Outfit

I tamed Fritz from the wild, you know (I am fond of saying this). And just look at him now, lying in the lap of luxury.

Fritz, also known as Frito Pie and Mr Loud, is the other cat that came with the house. For the first several months, we'd see him every three weeks or so, when he'd come to eat voraciously from the bowl of food we'd leave for him on the front porch, and he'd run away when he saw us. I worried what he'd do when winter came (though as this is Texas, winter is not usually very life-threatening, as it is in, say, Norway). Gradually, as we spent time outside, he'd venture nearer, eventually climbing into a lap now and then. As the months passed, he started coming inside on a regular basis and next thing we knew, he was one of Our Cats.
He has the thickest, most luxurious short fur I've ever felt on a cat, which gives him a curiously stout and padded look, though he's actually quite small. I found myself saying things like This sweater makes me look like Fritz, and I began to notice a certain type of short-necked, square-jawed person who also brought him to mind. But this spring he suddenly shed his thick coat and began sporting what I call his summer outfit, in which one can see his true diminutive size. It's funny; I don't remember him doing this last year, which was a deeply, miserably hot summer.

The "Mr Loud" nickname is quite self-explanatory, but I do also happen to have a drawing I made of this side of his personality. I'll round that up and post it....

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