Sunday, May 28, 2006

Scorpion Count 2006

The Scorpion Count has begun for 2006. I have kept track of every scorpion sighting (date + where seen) since we moved in; in the back of my mind has always been the thought that if we ever reach the point where the average is more than one a week, that we might consider doing something about them (poison?!). But we have never reached that point, so we (that's sort of a royal "we" there; there is one among us who forgets and will be sorry one day) shake out our shoes and garments before putting them on and keep our fingers crossed and our eyes open.

1. 5/16/2006, 11:10 p.m.: In Loretta's area, behind the VCR on top of Hugh's dresser. She was intrigued.
2. 5/18, 9:30 p.m.: In the big room on the wall behind the TV. Vanished into crevice before I could smash it.
3. 5/24, 9:30ish again: On the floor in the hall by the living room entryway. I flattened it like a pancake.*

In 2004, we had 17 from May through October.
In 2005, only 7, same months. It was a much drier year than 2004.

*We thought once of catch-and-release, instead of smashing; but so far have yet to put this into practice.

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