Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Scorpions 2010: #6

In my many years alive on this planet, this I have learned: when a cat very studiously looks at something that you perhaps don't see right that second, TAKE HEED. Most often it is something of which you, too, wish to be aware.

Tonight it was the scorpion on my PILLOW just behind my HEAD. Loretta was lying on my stomach & chest. I was reading (a bad book, from the library, one that it missing 4 pages, but that's another story). I was ready to not read any more, ready to put the book down, ready to turn out the light and go to sleep. But suddenly, Loretta was looking hard at something behind my head, so I sat up and took a look myself.

And !!! There it was! I moved rather quickly. Pillow off bed, shaken over floor, then quick! Cat food bowl upside down onto scorpion! Then I ran for containment container!

Hugh barely woke up at all this, but he did, and asked what it was. Scorpion, I said. On my pillow. Ah, he said, and resumed sleep. So here am I now, all hopped up on scorpies and goofballs and with a giant scorpion in front of me on the desk in this 16-oz. food container originally from Whole Foods, and there he (Hugh, not scorpion) is, calmly asleep. So be it. So say I.

Thank you, Loretta, so brave and so gray, for spotting the scorpion by my head!


Erika said...

OMG!! Dang! In the bed is just too much. Can we net off the ceiling or something? Seriously!

Kaila said...

I know!!! My constant question is, DO they fall, or are they crawling up the bedpost? What to do, what to do?