Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Loretta: An Update

Tuesday sunset. You can just barely see Shovel Mountain there in the distance, dead center.

So Loretta the elderly cat with failing kidneys is maintaining, nay, perhaps even rallying! We're giving her subcutaneous fluids every day and take her growing feistiness about the procedure as a sign that she's feeling better every day. She is even acting kittenish and perky again! She's not eating a ton but still weighs more than when we got back from England two weeks ago, and she smells a far sight better than she did then, too.

O Loretta! I would do just anything for this cat; she has been my constant companion for almost 17 years. I have had her longer than I've known both my husband and my best friend. She has been with me through thick and thin. I hope she will continue to be with me for much more thick and thin—mostly thick would be good, but I'll take what I can get.


Mya.L said...

People who don't have pets to love, can't understand that...

Kaila said...

Yes...hard to understand that some people view pets as a negative and not a positive! And there are so many animals out there who need love and a home...