Sunday, January 03, 2010

2010! Yes, Already!

Lately I haven't been writing much here, just posting photos. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But here it is the beginning of the new year and I'm contemplative; spending time with elderly aunts and then coming home to a very sick elderly cat has provided food for thought. And now it's the last day before returning to work after the winter break and I have that Sunday-night-before-school-on-Monday feeling, only more so.

Things I have to do today: Laundry. Dishes. Lute practice. Give the cat subcutaneous fluids in an attempt to prolong her little elderly-cat kidneys & make her feel better. Spend a lot of time with said cat on my lap.

Things I want to do today: The things listed above, minus laundry & dishes. Begin typesetting, illustrating & binding my friend Hank's first mystery story. Finish the hat I am knitting for Hugh, my second knitted hat and the first one I've knitted in the round & used double-pointed needles on. Take a walk. Make Cornish pasties. Savor this last day off (till next weekend)!

Things I want to do in 2010: Make more art and other things. Be a nicer person & complain less. Be outside a lot. Give attention to all the things in my house that are broken or otherwise need attention. Get rid of a bunch of crap. Take more photos. Limit my exposure to those who are unkind or negative, whatever their reasons for being that way. Learn to play my lute in public without visibly shaking. Enjoy & appreciate the peacefulness that my life mostly is.

The picture at top is Loretta, the ailing elderly cat. The picture below is me in a B&B in Barnes, drinking Dorset brew "Piddle in a Bottle" that Janet gave us. As Hugh is not drinking lately, had to down it all myself, darn it. More's the pity.

Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Mya.L said...

Your "things I want to do in 2010" are things I could have written too (apart from the lute playing that is!). I recognise myself in them. Lots of love to Loretta.