Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Blanco, Part I: The Muscovy Duck

It was so beautiful on Sunday that Hugh and I decided to drive to Blanco. The river was gorgeous and peaceful and full of activity, people- and otherwise. I had to look up this bird and his kin when we got home to identify them as Muscovy ducks; I'd never seen one before. They are rather bizarre, with their facelining red bumpiness.


Ângela said...

I forgot that you're not portuguese... Sorry...!
What I've written on the post is, more or less, this:
"My mother's cat has this crazy ideia... She likes to walk around the couvering of the swimming pool, and run above in it like crazy. I wonder what will happen the day we decide to take off the couvering..."

Kaila said...

Cats are truly mysterious and insane. What else?! ;-)