Friday, February 22, 2008

Blanco, Part IV: The Turkey Who Thought She Was a Goose

Strangely, this turkey was hanging around in the river with the geese. We are certain that she was abandoned at birth by her own parents, or more likely orphaned at an early age, and raised by a kindly mother goose with her own brood. Now she knows no life but that on the river.

The more I look at it, though, the less sure I am that it is indeed a turkey. In any case, it's not a goose or duck.


Miz Jen said...

I believe that may be a turkey vulture. Though, looking at the wiki entry it may be some other sort of vulture/buzzard. Or...maybe a molting juvenile of some other species altogether. Hell if I know, really. ;-)

Kaila said...

Miz Jen, lovely to hear from you. I don't think it's any kind of vulture...its feathers and body are much more yard-birdlike. And vultures /buzzards don't have that blue head.

I have yet to post The Tree Where the Buzzards Sleep...the buzzards were indeed in abundance that day, which is part of why I think this one is something different! --XOX--