Thursday, July 07, 2011

Scorpion #3 2011, in Absentia

No photo of #3; just this note to record the event for all posterity. In bed last night, with a cold pack on my hot feet, I felt something whispery on my ankle and somehow I knew, in the way that one knows such things, that I wanted to get up very quickly. I did, and there was a rather large scorpion running away from where my ankle had been.

Did he fall from the loft above, or had he been inside the dish towel I'd taken from the drawer to wrap around the cold pack? Only the Scorpion knows . . .

I do feel this supports my argument that they don't sting just for the hell of it, just because one's ankle or whatever is there. It was just using my ankle to walk on, and the ankle was not threatening it, so no sting.


Mya.L said...

Wouldn't like to find one in my bed though...

Kaila said...

Well, yes, it's not my favorite thing either!!!