Wednesday night, as seen over a hill or two to the east from our front patio. Possibly the scariest thing I've ever seen, but as of Thursday morning it was contained, and now it's out. About 400 acres burned. Approximately 60 homes (80 -100 persons) were evacuated and assisted by the Red Cross, who also provided meal and rehab services to the responders. A total of 30 structures were at one time threatened by the fire, but none were lost. The fire went to 4 alarms, involving 17 different agencies. The fuels involved included light brush and light through heavy timber. Fire activity included some “torching” into the tree canopies. The preliminary cause is believed to be sparks from welding or steel cutting activity. There were three injuries on the fire; 2 firefighters (back and ankle) and 1 civilian (first degree burns).
Here is the amazing list of responding agencies:
Travis Co. ESD – 6 Lake Travis Fire Rescue
North Hays Co. FD
Austin Fire Department
City of Austin (Mobile Command Units CV-1 & RMC-1)
Austin Travis Co. EMS
Star Flight
Travis Co. Sheriff’s Office
Travis Co. Fire Marshal’s Office
Texas Dept, of Public Safety
Travis Co. Parks
US Fish & Wildlife
Texas Forest Service
Travis Co. ESD 8
Travis Co. ESD 3
American Red Cross