Sunday, March 27, 2011

Loretta Retrospective, Part The End (For Now, Anyway)

The oldest photo of Lo that I could lay my hands on today....she is 2 or 3 years old here. Her stripes faded a lot by the end! The picture below is a paean to her brother Boris, who did not make it out of kittenhood.

In 1993 I lived on 51st Street in the bottom half a duplex owned by a sweet old couple named Ella & Gilbert Champion; my friend Cindy lived upstairs. Ella Champion's hair was peach-colored; her husband Gilbert once nearly had a heart attack removing the old hot-water heater from the upstairs apartment; and they didn't charge us very much rent, which may be why the bank eventually took the property away from them, which is how we ended up living there rent-free for a long time, until the bank figured out about us.

Down the street was a store called "Burning Books" (which incidentally was catty-corner from where my vet clinic was and still is, though now I live 30+ miles away) and one day someone had a batch of kittens there at the bookstore, hoping to find them homes. I actually got Boris first and a few days later went back to get him a companion; my other cats were all older and not enough fun. Hence Loretta! Of all my many cats back then, who knew that she would be the one to last so long and become so dear to my heart?


Miz Jen said...

In 1993 I was spending my weekends in Austin, trying to figure a way to to stay forever. And Boo Radley was just a gleam in his mother's eye.

Kaila said...

Glad you made it here for good, Jen. At least till you find your 10 acres in the country outside of Austin! There are some places up for sale on Bell Springs Road...maybe you need to take a little drive. Well, you need to do that any way! We'll make a plan.