Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tiny Tarantula

Tiny is as tiny does, I like to say; it is at least the smallest tarantula I have ever seen. Its legs were very short. I found it underneath a towel that was on the floor in front of the washing machine. So glad that I didn't actually wash the little spider! I relocated it to the patio.


Amber said...

K, you are a brave woman to live out there with all those scary insects. I think tarantulas are cute, but not as cute when they come into my house and lie hidden beneath towels, even if they are tiny. And you're more than brave because you don't just tolerate them—you like them!

Kaila said...

You're funny, Amberetto! I do like them but I have to admit that a wee shriek may have been heard, if anyone had been listening, when the towel was lifted. But DON'T TELL ANYONE.