Saturday, May 01, 2010

Oak Grapes

But they're not grapes. Nor are they eyeballs a la "Brother From Another Planet"—you know, when Joe Morton takes his eyeball out of his head and leaves it in a potted plant so he can spy on the suspected heroin dealers. I believe that these little grapey things which are all over one, just one, of the little starter oaks flourishing at the edge of the front patio are actually oak galls in a stage earlier than I've seen them before. But I really don't know squat about such things, so don't quote my post in your science report, okay?


Gretchen said...

Do you know what Brother From Another Planet makes me think of? Popeyes Chicken! And your garage apt.

Kaila said...

That may have been one of the last times either of us had Popeye's, eh? For our various reasons for abandoning fast food made from unhappy animals (me) or animals period (you). And oh, my sweet tiny apartment with the owl stained glass windows! Somewhere I have photos...