Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Town Jays and Country Jays

A quartet of junior blue jays showed up at the feeder on Sunday morning. Already present were the quartet of junior scrub jays whom we know so well, and there was some fractiousness, with the scrub jays dominating the feeder and the little town jays sitting around looking hungry and making unfruitful forays to the feeders. It didn't take long for them to sort it out and all to eat together in harmony.

Junior blue jay on the left; junior scrub jay on the right


Mya.L said...

Amazing colour!

Kaila said...

They ARE amazingly blue. And so very adorable with their little gray heads and big eyes! We don't see them often in this area (thankfully--the scrub jays are more than enough--they're both kind of mean birds).