Thursday, June 04, 2009

Tiny Mantises in Bedroom, Sunday Night

Actually, there has been a spate of tiny mantises all over, not just in the bedroom. They have also been spotted on the kitchen window screen, on the wall of the big room, and the front porch. This reminds me that I have a tiny dead mutant mantis that I saved to photograph; I think it was a nymph. Coming soon, I guess.

This is how tiny they are; it's on my chapstick. It loves Burt's Bees as much as I do, apparently.

Detail of the beautiful veining of its wings; rather dragony, don't you think?

1 comment:

Miz Jen said...

Synchronicity! I was just reading how one mantis egg case will release hundreds of tiny mantises. I guess that's nature's insurance against predators. Yours had the good sense to hatch indoors, which is wise unless the cats have developed a taste for them.