Monday, April 06, 2009

Passing Through: Lazuli Bunting

I have never seen a lazuli bunting before; so very beautiful and blue! Also very strange to see after being so used to finches that are red, or yellow, or brown. He was at the feeder on Sunday afternoon. 

Also seen at the feeder lately (but not pictured here): two pairs of brown-headed cowbirds. Cowbirds lay their eggs in the nests of other birds; according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, this nest parasitism can cause the decline of species with small populations. Plus, it just isn't nice to lay your eggs somewhere and then run off and make some other birds raise your young (especially if you are wiping out their species). But when I complain about them being at the feeder, someone else in the house always reminds me that cowbirds have to eat, too. 


Danimal said...

I just came across your blog..what beautiful pictures!!

Kaila said...

Thank you, Danimal! Hope you come back!