Sunday, December 07, 2008

Bird Sheets, Part I: the Sheet

I've just completed this project that I started back in September. (Sometimes it takes me a while to finish things; the artistic juices cannot be forced....or something like that. Ha.) Anyway, finally I have finished, and if we overlook the tragic outcome of the cardinals (which were the first and last birds that I painted, note to self, next time do a trial run first), I am really rather pleased with the end product. They are a set of sheets painted with Birds of The Cabin and as a (very late) birthday gift, will soon be given away, and so I memorialize them here.

The Bobwhite

The Scott's Orioles (her shape is more correct than his, by the way; he's too plump and roundy)

The Chickadee

The Black-crested Titmouse

Titmouse with Afghan pine stem and pinecone

The Scrub Jay

The Wren

Scrub Jay, Acorns and Wren

The cardinals are too sad to post. I'm contemplating redoing them on a little patch that could be sewn over their existing corner. Yes, it's that sad. The little finches are OK except their eyes grew too big; the previously-untried black fabric paint turned out to be excessively runny (which was also the cardinals' downfall).

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