Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Bee from the Spider's Web: Lake Watauga Dead Insects, Part II

Or, Likely Suspects, Anyway

I saw this bee being wrapped up by a spider in its web on the porch of the house we were staying in at Lake Watauga. By the time I went inside for the camera and came back, the bee had freed itself from the web and fallen to the floor below. It was dazed and confused, probably injected full of spider toxin. You can see a bit of the web on his back end in this photo.

After a while I moved him to a place on the railing where the screen had been torn and was quite open. Later he was gone. Did he live or die?


Doc Curtis said...

Not sure from the picture because it is an immature youngster, but if he is a carpenter bee I hope he died... if he is a bumble bee I hope he lived. Your intervention was kind. Watauga Lake is awesome isn't it?

Kaila said...

Thanks! But I actually didn't intervene; the little bee escaped by himself. According to Wikipedia ( "most carpenter bees have a shiny abdomen, while in bumblebees the abdomen is completely clothed with dense hair." Based on that, I think this guy is a honeybee; however, I am far from expert.

Kaila said...

And yes—Lake Watauga was stunning, beautiful, serene.