Sunday, May 04, 2008

WOODLETS, rev 2008!

Part of the Woodlets 2008 Series

Let not the excitement over the brown recluse overshadow the real thrill of the week (at least to me):

There is a new batch of woodlets in the tree! We knew that the nesting had begun, but I thought that it had only begun. I had no idea that babies had already hatched until last Thursday evening when I heard the unmistakable hiss and static that means baby birds within the tree.

There is also a cardinal nest in the star jasmine outside the kitchen window; I inadvertently disturbed the nest yesterday by walking nearby, causing the mother cardinal to shoot out from hiding, thereby revealing the location that I knew was near but had not yet located. After she'd left the jasmine, from inside the house I looked into the inside of the jasmine to see a nest with (at least) 3 speckled eggs therein. Go cardies!

I saw another cardinal dad at the feeder today with a new youngun; and as mentioned before in this space, there are once again wrens nesting in the skull on the front porch. I am sure there are dozens more nests all around, if only I knew where to look, and had the time to just be quiet outside and watch where the birds go. There are at least 2 other nesting cardinal pairs, and titmice, chickadees, hummingbirds, finches, orioles, and scrub jays.

O Spring!

All my bird photos from today were crap, hence the flowers. Better bird photography to commence in earnest ASAP, fitted in somehow among lute and driving and work and knitting and driving and laundry and driving and dishes and yardwork, et al.


Ângela said...

I really love your photos!!!

Kaila said...

Thanks, Angela!! Hope I'll get back up to speed soon--both the computer and I are laid low, though in different way. Happy Spring-almost-Summer!