Monday, July 03, 2006

Scorpion #6

Scorpion #6 fell onto our bed last night from above, approximately 11:30, post-potluck and guests. I was in bed; Hugh was on bed. It fell right on his (naked) foot, which he then shook violently, sending the scorpion flying, not that we knew for sure that it was a scorpion yet, only that it was a something that was suddenly on his foot. We leapt up to find where it had gone; Loretta the cat quickly tracked it to where it had slipped between bed and footboard. We carefully loosed the end of the bedspread and then Hugh, sport clog in hand, got remorse and began calling for A cup! A cup! I ran to the kitchen but by the time I'd wrestled an appropriate container out of a drawer and made it back to the bedroom, he'd impatiently knocked the scorpion off the spread and onto the floor, momentarily lost it and had to find it again, and was just smashing it as I came back with the Humane Catch & Release Tupperware Tub. Oh well. We left the container in the bedroom at hand for easy access for next time.

The next surprise was this morning under the sink....Antvasion, Part 87! We'd carefully cleaned up thoroughly last night to avoid a scene this morning; so the ants kindly left the counter and sink areas alone and had a big party down under instead. I am too unnerved to comment more fully at this time, but I did have the strength and courage to get the teeming garbage out the door and onto the front porch, where it now sits in double-bagged glory. How telling that the ants completely ignore the compost bucket.

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